Some other things you may have never noticed before...
... 1. When you cross the bridge from Jamaa Townsip to Kimbara Outback, You actually go all the way round Kimbara Outback! 2. The Flag...
Some things in AJ That you may have never noticed before!!
Hi guys! Today I am going to show you some things you may have never noticed before in AJ!! 1. The candles in The Chamber of Knowledge...
How to hold a store in your den
Hai guys! Today i am going to show you how to hold a store in your den. For those of u who don't know what an animal jam store is, it is...
Rare item Monday 5th September 2016
Today is MONDAY!!!!!!!! So one thing I have to tell you, is that most people have items that, well have turned a colour called magenta. ...
About AJ waterfall!!
HI guys! Thank you for coming onto my website! I am mostly going to be posting on Update days, Rare Item Mondays,and...