Things you may have never noticed before...
Hello guys!! We have a new writer...... A member called Wolfy55aj!!
This is actually my member account, so you may buddy me if you want :D
Now Wolfy55aj is going to finish her post
Hi Guys!! As you can see from the title, I am going to show you some things you may have never noticed before in animal jam. Some things you have to be a flying animal to see, so sorry non members. :(
1. In jamaa township, right next to the bridge to go to Sarepia Forest, there is an opening in the bamboo... Here is a picture.
2. Surrounded by bamboo, is this house-like thing with a straw roof. So then you can you can see it better, I am going to switch into my owl :D
3. Every year AJHQ redecorates Jamaa... But if you have a look in the red circle in the next photo you will see something they have never bothered to fix...
4. And last thing today, In the corner up here, look at the picture up there. But here is a close up... Guess where it is.
Thats all for today/tonight!!
Nerdifox & Wolfy55aj