Hey Jammers!! Here are the updates that came on Friday/Thursday!!!
Messages in a bottle. Each day (ish) in Crystal Sands, a bottle will be in a different place, and there will be a meesage and a specail prize....
Next is The rare pet phantoms. They come in more brighter colours than the other Pet Phantoms. You can buy them for 3 diamonds at the Phantom Statue in Jamaa Township (where the Mira statue is usally) They are only around for Five days, so be quick!!!
There is going to be a New Animal coming to jamaa!! The animal is actually one of the name options!! So if you have a spare half hour, search through the names!!!
100 % SMLXL
Next there is the Masterpeice party!! Yes, it already exsisted, but now instead of waiting around 3 hours to go to it, now it is a permanent thing on the party list.
And the last thing is just Sketch Jam!- How to Draw a Pet Phantom, and Night Of the phantoms is ending soon.